Saturday, August 28, 2010

April 28: Naples - Amalfi Coast

Day #5: The 3rd stop of our Mediterranean cruise in Naples, Italy
I was probably LEAST excited out this port stop and had it the most underrated, but it ended up being our favorite tour and port. Tyler and I LOVED this tour that we took through Disney that was an Amalfi coast drive with a tour in Pompeii.

The day could have ended in disaster if we had sat on the wrong side of the bus, but we had arranged to go with a couple that had been on our Disney tour in Tunis and they found out from the tour operator which side would be most scenic on our coastal drive. I would have been pretty upset if I was stuck on the other side of the bus, but thankfully we were some of the first ones on and were able to switch to the other side with a unobstructed window....close call, grabbed one of the last ones near the back.

Our tour took about an hour and a half drive along the Amalfi coastline with stops at scenic Sorrento and a Cameo shop/factory along the way. We ended up in the town of Amalfi which was awesomely beautiful...very nostalgic and I wish that I had boughten more souvenirs there. They had everything lemon---pastas, chocolate, all sorts of combinations with lemons!! Afterwards, we went and had a guided tour of Pompeii on the way back. We did not go back the same way we had come, we had cut through inland, so the other side of the bus never got to be on the outside along the coastline. :(
I went and tried my best to choose the pictures that didn't have window glare or flash reflection in them, which riding in a moving bus, most of them did. :(  BOTH of my cameras were running low on batteries so I kept switching back and forth between video and still camera. I still got some pretty decent if not a little blurry pictures.

Above: Mt Vesuvius in the background of the city of Naples
Above and Below: The shoreline and city of Sorrento. At the time, I didn't think the day was this hazy, but I guess it was....

The cameo factory we stopped at. All of the pictures are thin pieces of wood that are pieced upon the larger pieces. Its kind of like a mosiac in wood...very beautiful.. In the picture below, I bought one of the boxes that have the Amalfi coast scene on it. Third row from the right, about the 3rd box up. Tyler and I chose it together, and love it because not only is it an italian scene, but made from olive wood which is also grown along with lemons in that area.

Heading out of Sorrento area....

Above: One of my favorite pictures, glad it turned out alright, the sun and glare were BRUTAL on most of my pictures.

Above: Some locals had made a tiny village in one of the hillsides along the road. I thought it was very charming. And Tyler loves things in miniature, so he took pics of it for me.

Above: They call this rock something to do with a lady, but I forgot the exact name. Can you see her?

I know that alot of these pictures start looking the same, but every time we turned a corner, there were beautiful scenes and cliffs and towns just as beautiful as the ones just before. It just went on and on and was just as breathtaking!

Our guide said that they had tours that took you up into the mountains, but the only way to get there was by these little burros. I guess they were on break at the time.

The town of Amalfi. One of the most beautiful cities that I have ever seen.

The cathedral at the top of the hill

We had stopped at one of these fruit shops and Tyler got fresh cut strawberries and kiwis in lemon juice. He loved it! There were some lemons there that were as big as a man's hand!

The people and workers in these marketplaces were VERY nice, helpful, and non pressuring. A very charming, laid back town.

Along the coastline of Amalfi

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